But regardless, Chairman Cansino believes that a majority of the chairmen want the crop to start and support singing the agreement "as is." In fact, some of them are getting so impatient that they are thinking about leaving the association behind and going ahead to sign independent agreements with BSI. Remember that's where this all started 7 weeks ago - with BSI's direct appeal to farmers - and that offer, we presume, is still out there.
And it's looking attractive for some branches because as you heard Cansino say, it's a matter of economics - they stand to leave a large percentage of their crop out in the fields because there won't be enough time to grind the three plus tonnes of canes that's out there in the fields.
Still, Cansino said he hopes it doesn't happen:...
Ezequiel Cansino, Chairman - BSCFA
"I think the directors are aware and we are concern about this and we know that it is not the best thing to do to go individually to sign with BSI, but I don't know what will happen exactly after this general meeting and one or two directors have commented on that, that if something goes wrong, they might take that option to go by branch and sign this agreement."