A Faber's road resident is in need of assistance after her house burnt down in 2013. 50 year old Rose Williams' house was burnt down on August 27th 2013 and since then she has been living with her daughter. According to Williams she has only gotten assistance from a clothing store and Human resources and is still waiting for her area representative Anthony Boots Martinez -who she claims promised to re-build her house. Here is what she has to say.
Rose Williams, Fabers Road Resident
"Well I lose everything. I had two bedroom upstairs, three bedroom downstairs with my kids clothes, bed, TV - everything. So I don't have anything, I lose everything. Right now I live with my daughter Keisha. She has everything in her house, everything that is here is not mine. Yes, Boots Martinez promise me a hose from April and up to January I haven't gotten anything."
We spoke to area representative Anthony Martinez this evening and he says that he gave her the land and house for free in 1997. He adds that, now she is on the list for the South side Poverty Alleviation Project which is set to come on stream in February. At that time, she will get a house.