And while Mai sees the farmers ultimately sticking with their association - the situation remains very fluid tonight - there are multiple credible reports which show things going in other directions.
But as of news time - we can confirm this: no farmer or group has yet signed with ASR/BSI. As Mai said, they are expected to do so in the next few days - but we still aren't sure what configuration will take precedence in the end.
But, contrary to what Mai said today, the BSCFA may actually be in last place. That's because we are told ASR/BSI has indicated that until the association can present a resolution nullifying its last resolution not to sign - then, ASR/BSI cannot enter a contract with them.
As we reported on Friday, 15 Branch Directors met to consider just this point: whether they should convene another special general meeting just to determine whether they want to go back to the agreement - but they decided instead to have branch meetings where members would vote and report back to the BSCFA. That report will be tabled before the committee of management tomorrow. But, reports to us suggest that ASR/BSI want a firm resolution from a General Assembly - not the results of a survey.
Surely, a tense time for the BSCFA - and according to the Leader of the Opposition, it's all because the Government abandoned the 55 year old Association. That's what he told the press today at Party Headquarters.:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of The Opposition
"Barrow and the UDP have abandoned the caneros and the Belizean people's interest and have decidedly sided with the multi-national ASR. That Barrow and the UDP. Even as we meet today are actively working to break up and destroy the 55 year-old institution that is the BSCFA. But I say to the caneros today, we say to the Belizean people today that we in the People's United Party, we stand proudly and strongly with our cane farmers. We stand with you."
Hon. Jose Mai, OW South
"Belizeans are now bearing witness to the exercise of power and influence by a multi-national cooperation for whom the 100,000 tonnes of Belize sugar is merely a trickle."
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of The Opposition
"If ASR/BSI, if they cannot value and respect our cane farmers, then let them go, let them go."
And while Fonseca says he would chase ASR out of town - he didn't say who or what would replace them. But, speaking in more practical terms, Fonseca says the government could have used firmer bargaining tactics to force ASR's hand:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of The Opposition
"I think if Mr. Barrow and his government had in fact come out just as clearly as he has now come out for ASR, if he had come out very clearly and strongly on behalf of the cane farmers, he would have then forced BSI/ASR to say listen, we can't get into a fight with both the government and the cane farmers. We need to sit down and find a solution. When ASR/BSI recognize that in fact there was a weak fence there that the government was not in fact supporting the cane farmers - they obviously have exploited that and use that to their benefit and I think that has been a very serious mistake. I don't think you can force BSI/ASR to mill the cane. You can't force, but again this point I am making is that if the government had stood firmly together - if they had stood firmly with the cane farmers, there would have been a greater sense of unity, a great strength of their position."
And so all this hard talk against ASR and the Government, begged the question, is the PUP playing politics with sugar? A fired-up Fonseca told the media today, they don't need to do that:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of The Opposition
"The representatives here, we have absolutely no concern about the North. When the next elections comes around, every single seat in the north will go blue."