And a last bit of news coming out of today's ceremonial opening is that the president of the highest court in Belize is coming here for two days.
Viewers may only have heard the name Dennis Byron, but he is the President of the Caribbean Court of Justice, headquartered in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
He arrives on Thursday as a guest of the Bar Association of Belize, and will speak at the Law Conference 2015. The Bar President announced it today:
Eamon Courtenay - President of the Bar Association
"The executive of the association, my lord, takes great pride, in having the signal honor of welcome to Belize on Thursday of this week Sir Dennis Byron, the President of the Caribbean Court of Justice. He will be coming to Belize as a guest of the association and will deliver a keynote address at the lunch, at the conference on Friday. We will, during the course of his visit, be having courtesy calls with persons whom he had ask us to arrange."
The Law Conference opens on Friday.