But even as these new configurations of reaping groups and associations form, they have to be monitored and assisted by the Sugar Industries Control Board, chaired by former UDP Area Rep, Gabriel Martinez. If not carefully monitored, It could result in chaos.
Today, Martinez, spoke with the media and discussed the formation of these new cane organizations. He says that they are well within their rights to do so, and he and his team have been working to facilitate the process:
Gabriel Martinez, Chairman - Sugar Industries Control Board
"Yesterday we had a group of farmers who came to the office to petition to be considered as reaping groups and thereafter sign the agreement with BSI in order to start a crop. What the individual farmers and test groups are doing at this time is visiting the office of the SICB and requesting that they want to start a crop and register as a test group. When they will go to BSI and sign, I don't know if they will do it today or tomorrow or weekend - I don't know. We are here at the office, carefully accepting, helping them to carry the procedures as has been done whenever we start crop and basically that is our function. These people want to register as reaping groups and in order to prepare the itinerary to deliver cane will definitely be a huge task for the SPPC. But again, we must say that and as we have been mentioning over time, that is the farmer rights to belong or not to belong. They choose to come individually and a petition to be considered and we are accepting their request. But, we have also told them that the same way they want to be out of the limits of the BSCFA, then those who decide to stay with the BSCFA have that right as well, to continue in the industry. The rules of the industry will apply. There is no preference for no one, In order to keep the industry stable, sustainable and I guess that's the wish of everyone."
But, in the rush to get the season started, the SICB chairman is also concerned that the small farmers may end up as casualties of the bigger producers. He told us that the SICB will work hard to ensure that these new test groups of farmers do not disenfranchise any of the smaller members:
Gabriel Martinez, Chairman - Sugar Industries Control Board
"The idea of the SICB is to have everyone be included in the industry and we have been saying that to all and sundry. We want everyone to be part of this. We don't want the small farmer to be left. It is of great priority of the SICB to encourage that those small farmers also be included and be part of the industry."