But to make good on his commitment to the cane farmers, Government has to work quickly on the sugar roads. They are an annual problem - but this year the PM pledges to spend at least two million dollars on them.
Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister "Not going to spend money on sugar roads except I know there is going to be a crop. I am pretty certain now that there will be a crop and so, we can start in fact to look urgently with the Ministry of Works, the engineers from the Ministry of Works commencing Monday at the remedial, at the repairs that must be done - try to prioritize where it is more urgent and we can disburse the money immediately. I have heard some suggestion as to government giving farmers Petro Caribe money to make up for the fair trade disbursements - that's not going to happen, It can't happen under Petro Caribe and it's not even desirable, but we will be spending, I think even more than we spent last year. Don't hold me to it. I have to examine properly the state of affairs. We will be spending robustly on sugar roads. I had already determined in my own mind that not less than 2 million dollars will be spent on sugar roads."