And the case that sparked the controversy surrounding the discussion on LGBT rights in 2013 is the case that Orozco brought against the government of
Belize challenging section 53 of the criminal code. This code states that "every person who has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any
person or animal shall be liable to imprisonment for ten years." According to Orozco this section violates his right to privacy, dignity and equality
as a gay man. We asked Caleb to update us on this case today.
Caleb Orosco, UNIBAM
"I'm beginning to feel after 17 months of being the claimant in this case that justice has been delayed and for me that's important because; Here I am,
bringing a case to the court and for whatever reason, via administration, shortage or personnel, I haven't gotten a decision in 17 months. More
precisely, the delay doesn't being any conclusion or closure to the discussion nor does it bring any relief to the quality of life that I must lead. It
is clear to me, that until the state and the justice system recognise that they have a role to play to uphold the fundamental rights which is part 2 of
the constitution that I have as a LGBT citizen, we will not get far and more precisely; I have responsibility of taking care of my personal security. I
have the burden of responsibility to address harassment on the street. I have the burden of responsibility to look over my back every time I go from
point A to point B because the state does not recognise my dignity or my quality of life nor does it could and that to me is a lot of burden for just
one person."
The case is still pending judgment from Chief Justice Benjamin.