He was a high school dropout at the age of 15, immersed in the gang life. It is a downwards spiral we often hear young Belizean men falling into, and
only a few manage to get out of it. 18 year old Justin Marin is one of them. He is the recipient for the "Do The Right Thing Award" for September 2014.
It has been a challenging journey for Justin but he persevered and is now in 4th from at Excelsior High School. The principal of the school, Gayle
Thompson discussed why Justin was chosen to represent the school in this program.
PC Jose Vasquez - Community Policing Officer
"Do the right thing programme will help you as motivating other students both in the near future. The police department now is working along with
students trying to make a change in the environment and actually not for their communities but this will be country wide."
Justin Martin - Excelsior High School
"I was out of school for over a year and I realise nothing was out there for me. One thing I was doing everyday and it was getting really boring. So I
realise I need to come back to school, get my education, get at least a Bachelors is what I'm aiming for and have a good future."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Bachelors in what, and career would you like to pursue?"
Justin Martin
"I really interested in IT. So working at one of those big companies."
Gayle Thompson - Principal, Excelsior High School
"When Justin came to us as a student who had been out of school for some time, as he said in his speech. And that is one of the things Excelsior prides
itself on is giving students a second chance when they would have been out of school other wise. He came to us at 2nd form and he worked his way up in
class. For every year that he's been here he was ranked in the top 5 of his class. He has displayed tremendous respect and made a lot of fortitude. He
could have gone the other way, he stayed the course and he performed well and rose above the challenges from sometimes not having food for lunch, of
not having all the necessary equipment he needed for school; But he persevered. His manner were impeccable at all times. I don't think that since he's
been here he's ever served a suspension or a detention."
Justin received a Samsung Galaxy tablet and a T-shirt. PC Vasquez says they are working on awarding scholarships to those recipients who are recognized
by the program more than once.