And finishing up with politics for tonight - the media also used yesterday's political feeding frenzy at nomination day to ask Mesopotamia Representative Michael Finnegan about his ministerial vehicle's role in the nomination day parade. The vehicle led the way for the contingent from his division - and he told us he has no apologies to make:..
Hon. Michael Finnegan
"Asking if my government vehicle is in a party activity, man, that is trivial. I don't that bother the people of Mesopotamia Division or the people of the country. The people of the country wants a politician who works hard for them and who doesn't thief. I think that is what is important, but a government vehicle that is given to me for 7 years, run-down vehicle - I need to get a new one... left from the UDP office right to the administration building. You all let that bother you. That is petty. That is small. That is narrow mind-ness. There are more bigger and more important things to do."