The Corozal man known as Jermaine Sanker has been on the run from police since the first week in December of last year. He was identified as a suspect in a number of armed robberies, and most recently, police tried to corner him, but he escaped.
ON WEDNESDAY, the Commanding Officer of Corozal Police outlined for us the number of cases he is suspected of being involved with:
Supt. Andrew Ramirez, OC - Corozal Police
"From the 9th December last year, the name Jermaine Sanker, of a Corozal Town address was being sought by the Corozal police, on the strength of warrant in the first instance in relation to armed robbery; robbery committed with the use of firearms. We have the initial information where a 17 year old minor reported that he was accosted by three male individuals and he had identified Jermaine Sanker, as being one of the assailants in relation to that matter. Also we have another young man who was also robbed and again he had identified Jermaine Sanker. It would appear that the guy Jermaine Sanker went on a crime spree and as a result, based on him being identified, and named in the statement, we had issued a warrant in the first instance. We have acted on numerous information. At times, we had even visited Ladyville Police and the Ladyville area, based on the information that we had received and he continuously elude the police officers. Again, he name was also mentioned as a suspect in the Bel-Cuisine armed robbery that recently occurred couple weeks ago. Yesterday, sometime in the morning, the special operations team, headed by Cpl. Marvin Salam, visited an area in the Ranchito area, where the said Jermaine Sanker was spotted, was sought after. However, he eluded the police in relation to that."
After the police chase, Sanker surrendered himself to Inspector Mark Flowers, the Commander of the Gang Suppression Unit. He will be charged with 2 counts of robbery in the first instance.