Waffles for lunch anyone? Or how about freshly fried bacon and eggs? Well if you wouldn't mind those choices for your lunch break, the Memorial Park
Dinner is the spot for you. It's a newly opened 24 hour dinner that serves breakfast all day. Today we caught up with one of the owners, restauranteur
Ian Lizarraga and he told us what the idea behind it is. Courtney Weatherburne reports.
Courtney Weatherburne Reporting…
This white picket fence and these green bi-fold doors are not what you would normally see at an outdoor restaurant.
But for this Belizean Dinner, that quaint look is exactly what sets it apart from others.
And of course the service and unique food selections accomplish that as well.
Ian Lizarraga - Owner, the Diner
"When coming into Belize City, we didn't want to reinvent the wheel, we didn't want to do what was already here - or go up against duplicating what was
already here. So what we wanted to do is come in to the market place and compliment what was here and we offer the local market something, maybe, that
hadn't been done before. We didn't know though, last week was out first full week and we didn't know what to expect. And honestly the response has been
overwhelming. The kitchen staff is a lot better prepared to really do now what we were slated to which is offer 24 hour breakfast. A small lunch and
dinner menu, more burger, sandwiches that kind of thing. Lower price points, which I thought as a Belizean. I think what we want to do is not make
going out to eat something that you save for special occasions - but something that is affordable and limited only to rice and beans. I love rice and
beans like the next Belizean, but I think that's been done well in other places. So I didn't want to do that either. "
And he didn't, instead he created an all-day breakfast spot that he hopes city residents will enjoy.
It opened last week. They close on Tuesdays but remain open from Thursday all the way up to Sunday night at 10.