The funeral for Police Constable Romaldo Herrera was held this afternoon at St. Martin's De Porres in Belize City. Now, Romaldo Herrera
was not a big name in Belize - in fact he only briefly flashed across the public stage - but when he did, he shined brighter than most. That was in February of the year two thousand, when he was a BDF second lieutenant in his mid 20's. Herrera was the senior officer in a 4 man BDF and Police patrol and accused of crossing into Guatemala. All four were captured by Guatemaln Armed Forces on February 24th, and put in a Guatemalan jail. Herrera was their leader and when we spoke to him 15 years ago, he was showed uncommon lucidity:..
Lt. Romaldo Herrera - BDF Soldier
"The GAF Patrol already had their weapons made ready. I strongly felt that if I had chosen anything else, we would have placed our lives in jeopardy, as were outnumbered by far. At no point, we we have a chance to fight out from that patrol 4 against 25."
Herrera died last week. He was in his late 30's.