For the past two nights, we've been reporting on the big political news that the CEO in the Ministry of Tourism Tracy Panton is going to be the new UDP
candidate in the Albert Division. And today the UDP held a press conference at its party headquarters to make official what you already knew: that Area
Representative Herman Longsworth and Challenger Phillip Willoughby would step aside to make way to Taegar Panton.
But saying it is one thing – seeing it is quite another – as only very rarely does a sitting representative step aside to publicly welcome another.
Here's how that went today:…
Tracy Taegar-Panton - Will be endorsed as UDP Standard bearer, Albert
"My name is Tracy Taeger-Panton and having spent almost 30 years committed to the service of others, today I offer myself as a candidate for the UDP in
the Albert constituency."
And Taegar-Panton got glowing endorsements from the current standard bearers and the man who was challenging:
Hon. Herman Longsworth - Stepping down as Standard Bearer, Albert
"To cut the story short I am here to say that I fully support the candidacy of Ms. Panton and I ask everybody, who supported me, who worked with me to
really and truly consider putting their weight behind her going forward."
Phillip Willoughby - 4 Term City Councilor
Ms. Tracey Teager-Panton, welcome ma'am Albert is now yours. I plan and intend to as Ms. Panton has extended her hand in friendship to me to be a part
of her team. I will accept and embrace you Ms. Panton and work with you. Not by just standing here this morning and saying it but I'm certain that all
our fans and supporters, friends and family will do likewise and follow suite and we start immediately ma'am. From the bottom of my heart, no hard
feelings, it's love and all the way with Ms. Tracy Teagar for Alberts UDP."
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister, UDP Party Leader
"We feel absolutely certain that Tracy's candidacy with the full support of minister Herman Longsworth and with the full support of councillor
Willourghby is going to be will be absolutely unstoppable."
Longsworth's graceful stepping aside is the real stunner – the sudden end of the road for a first term Area representative and Minister of State:
Hon. Herman Longsworth
"It has been absolute pleasure for me to have been working beside you and serving your over the past 4 years that I've been here. Let me say for the
record that my coming to politics was never meant to be permanent. Was never meant to be permanent, I'm a businessman but I'm also a UDP. And there
came the time that I recognise that the UDP in Albert were probably at its lowest ebb and needed an injection of credibility. And I thought I could
provide that credibility and I was only prepared to hold unto the mantle for so long until it took the party to find somebody that I considered to be
credible enough, to have the ware it all, to be able to carry what we've been working for in the past 4 years. The party has done that now, so i'm
quiet happy to step aside and go back to my business."
And he says he's going back to his business, the way these things work – there'll probably be business coming his way - government business:
Jules Vasquez
"What appeasement or appointments or arrangements have been offered to Mr. Willoughby and Mr. Longsworth in exchange for their, really, giving up what
each of them thinks was a sure thing?"
Hon. Dean Barrow
"Moving right along here in the same vein. You know the famous movie, cheap novel line. I could you tell you but i'll have to kill you."
Jules Vasquez
"I understand that you treat it humorously but at the same time if they are public chips being traded for party favours, then it becomes a matter for
public scrutiny. So then the question has to be asked, will you trade public chips for them to do internal party favours?"
Hon. Dean Barrow
"All I will say is this, Herman Longsworth has been an extremely good minister, assuming a UDP general election victory. Any position we would ask
Herman to take up he would be more than capable. In terms of councillor Willoughby, well he's a continuing city councillor. You have spoken glowingly
of his winning track record. Which suggests that the voice of the people, next to the voice of god has made clear that there is an appreciation of his
talents. How would we ever have any difficulty in appointing councillor Willoughby to a position he would be incapable of handling. The judgment of the
people is that he is somebody of talent."
But Willoughby's political track record far exceeds Taegar-Panton's:
Jules Vasquez
"But others in the party as saying that, but she is PUP. How will we make 2 good UDP stand down to bringing a PUP. It is a critisism being made widely
in the party. How do you respond to that?
Tracy Taegar-Panton
"I assume you made that judgement based on my fathers' bid for city council in 1979. No one ask me where my affiliation was. No one has asked."
Jules Vasquez
"It's not a criticism that I have Tracy, it is one I am hearing from people within the party who feel that the move is dictatorial, dictocratic and
wrong headed because - I'm not making this stuff up. Because 2 good UDP have to make way for somebody who has no bonafides as a UDP, let me put it like
that. Who has not worked in the trenches for the UDP."
Tracy Taegar-Panton
"There is a history that I do have with the Mark Espat campaign and there's no secret about that. I have never shied away from that situation. But not
because of that, the assumption can be made that I am committed to the UDP and the work that we will be doing moving forward. "
Jules Vasquez
"Is there any clear path of how you intend to get up to speed? Because if I'm not mistaken, while you are involved in the Mark Espat machine. I recall
you being somebody who was in the office, you were maybe a street captain but you weren't on the ground at a very large leave – you were issuing
Tracy Taegar-Panton
"I have been in the ground in Albert since 1974 and the friendships and the relationships that I cultivated there are friendships and relationships
that I still have today."
Jules Vasquez
"Ms. Tracy has no political track record whatsoever."
Hon. Dean Barrow
"We are every single one of us convinced that Tracy Taegear-Panton will inevitably, indubitably - you want more? Win handsomely."
And that's from a party leader who is clearly preparing for elections soon:
Hon. Dean Barrow
"I had said after our magnificent victory on March 4th that there is no plan to call the general elections this year – and while that is still the
thinking, any number can play. Every single seat will count in what I still expect will be a hard fought election campaign and in that context we are
always ready to make adjustments that may appear to become necessary. And I am absolutely convinced that what is happening here this morning, helps to
make certain the chance of a United Democratic Party third term in government."
There will be an endorsement convention for Taegar Panton in the Albert Division.
Panton remains the CEO in the Ministry of Tourism – which, while it may be frowned on, is, strictly speaking, not disallowed since she is a contract
officer not a public officer. She told us today that there will be a transition from CEO to full time candidate, quote, "sooner rather than later."
And in one final Albert division twist that's just too cute – the current PUP Albert divisional office is presently housed at Taegar's family building
at 56 Regent Street. Tracy Taegar Panton says her office will also be there. The PUP Candidate Paul Thompson says he is moving out. Both are veterans
of the Mark Espat when between 1996 and 2005.