And further to that promise that he's getting ready for elections – Party Leader Dean Barrow is also making changes in other divisions. IT was rumoured
that the UDP candidate sin Orange walk Central and Orange Walk South would be changed – but it seems that the wily OW Central Standard bearer Denny
Grijalva managed to hold on. But not so for Juan De Dios Moguel in Orange Walk South. Party Leader Barrow explained:…
Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister, UDP Party Leader
"There is certainly a discussion and in fact it is very very likely that there will be a new UDP candidate in Orange Walk South. Juan De Dios Moguel
who is the incumbent standard bearer, is actively assisting the party in doing the consultations required to try to come up with the best possible
replacement. So, that there will be a replacement? Absolutely, who that replacement will be? We're not nearly there yet."