Ray Davis, it's been a tough few weeks for the Labour Senator. He's on the hot seat because he abstained on the senate vote on the Petrocaribe Loan Motion. The National Trade Union Congress says it does not support the piece of legislation and Davis's vote should have been an emphatic "no." Instead, he abstained. Vice President of the Trade Union Congress, Audrey Matura Shepherd told the media on Friday that he either needs to resign or be removed because his vote was not in line with the position of the NTUCB.
Two weeks ago, the President of the NTUCB told the media that their position was never directly communicated to Davis - but he should have known. But, perhaps, it's not all that clear-cut because the Unions have been beneficiaries of Petrocaribe funds - in the form of loans from the National Bank. That bank was capitalized with 30 million dollars from Petrocaribe funds - with special priority for teachers and public officers. The trade union congress of Belize also sits on the board of Belize Infrastructure Limited - which is funded by Petrocaribe.
That's the contradiction that may have led Davis to abstain in the absence of a clear position from the NTUCB. And, this email sent in November shows that he was awaiting guidance. That is after the first Petrocaribe legislation went to the House in November and Davis voted "yes." That's when Audrey Matura Shepherd questioned him in an email, quote: "In a matter such as this the membership should have a say….how come is it that our Senator voted yes and who gave the mandate?"
Davis responded in November of 2014 by asking for guidance and encouraged Matura Shepherd to set up such a committee which would give him clear instructions.
That was in November last year and by Thursday, March 26 of this year when the Petrocaribe Loan motion was circulated, the Trade Union Congress Secretary Kathleen Flowers sent out a shrill email to all trade union congress members warning them about the bill urging them to act. She asks: "are we just going to sit quietly….?" She adds, "I am tired of our non-action, willful passivity and lack of response…"
Well, it turns out - despite her passionate call, the lack of response continued: the union did not come up with a position to put before the Senate. So, when the Senate meeting rolled around on Monday March 30th. Davis had not been given the clear position he had asked for in November, and perhaps knowing the unions' direct involvement with Petrocaribe funds, he abstained.
It's a costly decision, or in-decision for him, as it seems Matura-Shepherd as Union Vice President is now circling the wagons to eject Davis. Informally, the unions appointed him for this term of government.