We've shown you that police brutality video in Orange Walk, but another has gone viral which captures 2 officers detaining a man in San Pedro. A part
of the video shows that the man is on the ground, and that he is submissive to the authority of 2 officers of the Eastern Division Strike Team. While
he's on the ground one officer can be heard cranking a gun and points it at the man, and later on, one of the officers gratuitously kicks the man on
the ground.
A few minutes ago, we spoke with Senior Superintendent Edward Broaster, who heads the Eastern Division Strike Team, and we asked about that video and
the conduct of those officers. ACP Broaster told us that the officer who stamped the man on the leg is Special Constable Moralez. Based on the video
evidence, this officer has already been reprimanded by the police high command, and he was pulled off the strike team. Broaster explained to us no
further action can be taken against the officers unless the man in the video comes in and makes an internal complaint.
So, what did this man do to attract such a strong police response? Well, Senior Superintendent Broaster explained that the officers were conducting a
police checkpoint, and this man approached on bicycle. He was ordered to stop, but instead he sped off trying to escape. Police set chase on
motorcycle, one owned by police, and one loaned to them by a concerned civilian. When the caught the man, he finally gave up and allowed police to
detain him. The officers were informed that he may have thrown away an illegal item, which would explain why he tried to escape. They searched the
area, however, and couldn't find anything.