All of last week, we covered the dispute over Labour Senator Ray Davis. Trade Union congress Vice President Audrey Matura Shepherd said he must resign or be removed because he abstained on the Petrocaribe vote - but his supporters say he never got a directive from the union on how to vote, so he had no choice but to abstain.
Former NTUCB President Dylan Reneau elaborated on this at great length in a lengthy email sent last Friday - in which he also took time to lecture Matura-Shepherd for her public criticisms of Senator Davis.
7News has obtained a copy of the three thousand word email - complete with nine attachments - which is addressed to Matura-Shepherd. He says the letter is triggered by her public attack on the integrity of a trade union stalwart. Right off the top, he warns, quote, "I believe you are out of line calling for Senator Davis to resign or for NTUCB to remove him."
Reneau then goes into what appears to be an attempt to educate Matura-Shepherd on the history of the Petro Caribe initiative and points to the fact that the PUP was the first to sign unto it, against Finance and Audit Act regulations and without taking it to the House. The UDP then took three years to bring its agreement to the House. Reneau concludes, quote, "both were in violation of the Finance and Audit Reform Act 2005."
He adds that, quote, "Both sides of the political divide got funds under PetroCaribe - the PUP $41 million US...(and the UDP) $114.3 million US.
After a few thousand words where he delves into great detail about the history of Petrocaribe, Reneau goes to what he calls, "the real issue." He points to the passionate email sent out by Trade Union Secretary Kathleeen Flowers on Thursday March 26th - the day the PETROCARIBE Loan motion went to the house. In it she implores the union to take a stand against the bill. But, as we have reported, nothing happened. Reneau laments, quote, "lo' and behold "no meeting was held to discuss the issue and no one responded to Sis Flowers plea." And, he concludes, quote, "Senator Davis…decided to abstain from voting because he was not given any clear directive from the NTUCB. This is a legitimate stand because he did not "support" the bill." End quote.
From there, Reneau goes unto urge Matura Shepherd to quote, "stop this public campaign against Senator Ray Davis because the NTUCB did not provide Senator Davis any direction. This behavior is distasteful and tethers on violating the constitution of the NTUCB as the spokesperson for the NTUCB is the "PRESIDENT" and Vice presidents only make public statements in the absence of the president. Stop attacking your messenger but attack the message or the issue." End quote.
But Reneau goes even further, he said, quote, "Mrs. Audrey Matura Sheppard I demand an apology for the innuendos you have publicly made against Senator Davis …Your behavior is out of order." End quote.
Well, according to our sources Reneau's stern letter was discussed at a meeting held by the general council of the Trade Union Congress on Saturday. Our information says that it was decided that going forward only the President of the Trade Union Congress Marvin Mora can act as spokesperson unless he assigns someone else and that assignment has to be approved by the general council. More than that, the General Council has to approve what that spokesperson will say.
But that wasn't discussed in a press release coming out of that Saturday meeting. The NTUCB sent out a press release making its position on Petrocaribe clear. IT says, quote, "this new law flies in the face of ALL we stand for regarding the fiscal management of Belize?s resources."
The NTUCB says it continues to canvass its membership, so that, quote, "when called upon to take a stand, our membership will be able to make an informed decision." IT adds, mysteriously, quote, "the dissection and unfolding of Petro Caribe Law is only just beginning!!!"