On Monday's newscast we told you all about former NTUCB President Dylan Reneau's letter to Audrey Matura Shepherd, urging her to simmer down in her
criticism of labour Senator Ray Davis and, furthermore, to apologize to Davis. Well today the media caught up with Matura-Shepherd at a press
conference held by the VIP party – which she advises. She said she will not get into a back and forth:…
Audrey Matura-Shepherd - CWU President
"You, it's a pity that we'd reach this point where it's gotten personal. Yes Mr. Dylan Reneau sent and e-mail and I think that e-mail was strategically
sent just when the meeting was starting with the GC of the NTUCB. It was sent, I did not read it before the meeting, but it was read the meeting. It
was addressed to me, clearly it was addressed so it could be leaked to the media, so that the distraction about what the petrocaribe bill is about can
continue. Clearly they want to circle the wagon around me but they picked the wrong person because they have skeletons in the closet, I don't have any.
But I chose not to make it a public battle and continue it as a public battle because that's what they want, they want to distract me as the messenger
that is dealing with the fact that we have a petrocaribe loan act. That clearly, my brother who is in the PSU, Mr. Dylan who - went silent on the NTUCB
when we needed him most and I have text to prove what I asked him outright if he had sold out. I don't have to be the one who release all of that like
they do. It's a betrayal what has happened because now we have members in the union, we've closed down our whatsapp group, we don't even want to send
e-mails to each other because they are traitors among us. They have to live with that. That said now, I don't want to continue being part of that
conversation because I need my energy to focus on the legality of a legislation. Let them speak for themselves as to what their agendas are. I never
leaked anything to you and you know that. Channel 7 knows very well who has been leaking information to them and Channel 7 has their own political
agendas. My personal view, unlike they mention they want to give the NTUCB is defeated or divided, no. What is happening is a cleansing, it's good that
all those showing their hand, we know where the quarters of the scent is coming from, we know where the traitors are, that is very good. It's normal in
any entitiy for people to have the fight, they have the cleansing after that and they have the amending and after that then they have the working
together. That's quite normal."
"Anything to be said about the comments made by Jacklyn Willoughby?"
Audrey Matura-Shepherd
"That's an insignificant thing to even, I won't even give that any life or energy."
Of course, the agenda that Matura Shepherd says she is on and won't be distracted from is in fact the agenda which was, in fact, started by Channel 7
which first raised the issue of Petrocaribe funds not going to the house. That lone question to the Prime Minister is the genesis of all that has