But one thing the PUP do need support on is the letter Fonseca plans to send to the Prime Minister. He told the media about it last week - but he still hasn't sent it. Today has said the party is reaching out to the social partners to build a critical mass of opposition:..
Hon. Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
"We want as many people, as many of our partners, as many of social partners, the business, and the chamber of commerce to sign on to this letter. We're seeking their support in sending this letter. If we have to go with it alone, we will. So the first step is to circulate it to them, which is where we are now. To have them look at it, to have them review it. To get their input. Perhaps they want to make amendments to the letter. So that is the stage that we're at. Once we've gotten that back, and we've gotten some consensus and we know who will sign on and who won't. Then we will proceed from there and the 21 days will start running from then."