Last night we told you about the PUP's big move – where the party's elected Representative in Dangriga, Ivan Ramos would be stepping aside to make way
for a new standard bearer in the division. That newcomer is Anthony Sabal, a career educator well respected in Dangriga. And so today, the handover at
Independence Hall in Belize City should have been seamless – a feast of well wishing to give the party momentum and the benefit of a clean transition,
a fresh start. Turns out, it was anything but that! Jules Vasquez was there:
Jules Vasquez Reporing…
The uneasy looks and stiff body language of these three – and then these two may have said it all
Today's handover of the PUP Dangriga Standard bearer seat did not go as smoothly as might have been hoped for. It started out well enough with the national
campaign manager referring to the leader's pledge of renewal::
Godfrey Smith - PUP Nat'l Campaign Manager
"And so this morning's press presentation is a result of that ongoing process that the PUP is engaged in of self examination and getting itself in the
fittest possible fighting form for the general elections."
So we take it that Ramos then was not among the fittest – but certainly then, the nicest:
Hon. Francis Fonseca - Leader of the Opposition
"There are every few people in politics who you will meet who are as gentle and respectful and as humble as the honourable Ivan Ramos."
But Ramos seems to suggest that the PUP took his kindness for weakness:
Hon. Ivan Ramos - PUP Representative – Dangriga
"People don't know me. I am convinced more than ever that don't know me. I can assure that I will be the same person tomorrow."
Jules Vasquez
"You all have in the pup a rule – a vote was taken that all 14 elected representatives will not face any challenge. Is this unfair now that you,
everybody else is secure nobody else will face a challenge but you have to move on?"
Hon. Ivan Ramos
"Well Jules, that is for the leadership to contemplate. That is for the leadership and if I'm the sacrificial lamb so it be, I'm the man I can take. I
want to say to my party that I believe, yes change, yes you want that assurance that we will form the government- but let me give a word of caution. Be
careful what you're doing – I am not a persons that talks too, especially I don't entertain idle talk – I hate idle talk. This party has been engaged
in too much idle talk and it is hurting the party. It is something I've said around the table before and I'm saying it again. You will cause your own
destruction if you don't desist from this behaviour. I have absolutely no gripes about what I have decided because I could have stayed on and fight and
muddy the waters – but the questions is what good will that do for me and for the party?"
Jules Vasquez
"Do you feel that you are being chanced?"
Hon. Ivan Ramos
"Well Jules, I am a realist – nobody can chance me – they may think because of my quite nature and things of this sort that may be the case that it was
an easy go. Jules, that is not the case, my resolve is a quite one. And so when Mr. Sabal came and talk to me about politics and the backing those who
are putting it together – I gave him my assurance I will have absolutely no problem supporting you and that is what this is about today."
And Campaign Manager Smith says that is what counts:
Godfrey Smith
"Obviously this is politics some of the discussions will be difficult. And naturally Ivan has won at the polls, is a sitting representative and
obviously he will have some feelings about it. And he has quite openly frankly express those."
Jules Vasquez
"Mr. Ramos has said you are about idle talk."
Godfrey Smith
"That's not what he said. I won't engage in a pointless banter on that point. He did mention idle talk – but Jules you understand politics as well as
anybody in here. They'll be a lot of people saying a lot of things. So obviously any discussion, the process of change will have those who are for –
it's a dialectic process. Many things will be said – some relevant, some pointless, some good, some bad, some idle. The result is what matters."
Hon. Ivan Ramos
"To me this party is just bowing into what the UDPs are saying. Said Musa too old, now we did bow into that. I heard it long you know that I will not
run for the general elections. So three weeks ago when my very very good friend came from Belmopan and said this is it. I said fine, I was already
contemplating – and there are those who believe we should fight loud and beat the chest and things of this sort. I have never fought anything that way
– so if you're looking for that kind of persons I am not the person indeed. And looking at what is on the ground, I have decided that I don't have to
be, it was never about me. I am confident that getting out of this position at this point in time will booster my energy and I can do as the party
leader said much much more."
Godfrey Smith
"The fact that Mr Ramos expressed his true feelings as he did to the party leader before and to myself, there's nothing wrong with that. We could have
sought to repress it if we wanted to but it didn't make sense – and it doesn't take anything from the ultimate result which the party leader pledged to
achieve and which we're working towards. Whatever you might say and whatever obstacles are in the path, this process in a continuing process and it
will only serve to strengthen the party.
And to strengthen it, enter career educator Anthony Sabal:
Anthony Sabal - PUP Standard Bearer – Dangriga
"I am Sabal, Anthony Sabal. We are here to announce rather confirm that I will be the standard bearer and I also wrote slash area representative for
our southern constituency."
Godfrey Smith
"The man knows and have taught broad cross sections of Dangrigans, as the many Dangrigans who are in the house today at the back can attest to. Widely
known fellow - what matters is his energy and his drive and his plan to do what is necessary on the ground, the nuts and bolts to get the task
Jules Vasquez
"And elections are some people say 9 months away, a year way, short time. Do you feel that you have enough time to make up the ground required to
cement yourself as an electable person as the representative of Dangriga?"
Anthony Sabal
"Have you ever heard of a politician running and plan to lose? I have never heard that. Have you ever heard of a politician getting into the race no
matter how late, no matter how early and they plan to lose? I saidI will be the standard bearer for the PUP for the constituency of Dangriga and I will
be the next area representative. I know Ivan, Ivan knows me, we will work together. At the end of the day, when I call, I know he will answer. I'll
have to hit the ground running we don't have petrocaribe funds – we have a lot of work to do. What will I be doing? We'll be hitting the ground running
and we will need to organise and I can't do it alone."
Ramos continues to serve as area representative and will do so until the end of this term of office. He says he already has commitments for his six
thousand 300 dollar community vote.