Since Monday we've been trying to get comment from BEL's Belize Energy Workers Union about rumblings of discontent in talks with management – and they
have steadfastly refused. But last night we reported – based on information we had received – that they were asking for a raise of 12.5% per annum per
year for years – and, boy, did that ever draw them out! Today the union sent out an angry release "railing up" with this station. That's fine with us,
but then they go unto simultaneously disclaim the exorbitant raise request, while backhandedly taking credit for the sickout. And 650 words later, they
still haven't said what kind of raise they are requesting.
Here's what the release says about the 12.5% raise request we reported: "For the record the Union has never asked for such an outrageous salary
increase nor for anything closely resembling this…" And about our information that they want 12.5% per annum over four years, the release says, quote,
"The BEWU wants to categorically deny this statement. We find out that all the misleading, twisted comments and statements, made by this seemly
irresponsible channel, are aimed at discrediting the reputation of the non-management employees of BEL and their Union."
So, then, if all that is false, why did the union stage a sickout on Monday May 18th? Well, that's where the union release goes from firm to
wishy-washy. The release says, quote, "if there was a sickout staged out the employees would have to be reacting to something they truly believe is
unfair," unquote.
Ok, so then a sickout was staged – we know that much – which means that what the union calls "unfairness" is afoot, right? But, not so fast, because
then the release goes unto say about the sickout, "the union has not confirmed this." And then to make it even more confusing, the release proclaims
with more than a hint of pride, "indeed it was over 80 employees who reported sick the same day and not 60 as was stated." Ok, great, so there was a
sickout! But then the release nose dives again, saying, quote, "We reiterate that we don't know what this was all about and that it would be the
workers who could best answer this." Okay, (shakes head) confusing…
The release goes unto say, quote, "the employees and their union have never been inflexible during negotiations with the Management..."
But, someone had to be inflexible because there was a breakdown in labour talks with management on Friday – which led to the sickout where new
information says 93 customer service representatives and lines men called in sick.
But, our information says the deadlock in talks has been temporarily eased and management and the union are back to the table in good faith
discussions. The sticking point is still pay – but at the end of the 650 word press release – the public still doesn't know what the union wants
money-wise, how far their members will go to get it, and whether it will affect electricity rates.