"Caring, Coping, and Surviving: Cancer control - not beyond us:" that is the message that the Cancer Society wants patients and their families to know in this cancer awareness month. That message was the focus of today's annual cancer care symposium held at the Radisson where Doctors, specialists as well as women and children battling this disease attended. Apart from the discussions on preventative measures, treatment and therapy….another key and very real issue when addressing Cancer is coping with grief and depression after losing a loved one to cancer. Today the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development Lisel Alamilla was invited to address the crowd on her process of grief and coping with the death of her son. When we spoke with her this morning she told us that while it was a difficult journey, she wants people to know that there is still hope.
The Cancer Society is also working on is a pap smear campaign. They will also have a Cancer walk on May 30th.