Viewers may remember that about a week before the Municipal Elections, the 2012 Toyota Hilux, which was assigned to Mayor Darrell Bradley as mayor, was totaled by Councillor Alifa Elrington-Hyde. The Opposition's candidate, Yolanda Schakron, complained bitterly about it because it was a vehicle which was purchased with public funds, and after that crash, it was a write off. Well, we've learned that another vehicle belonging to the Belize City Council has been significantly damaged.
This one is assigned to the office of the City Administrator, Candice Burke, and our information is that she and her family took a trip to Chetumal for the weekend, and had an accident yesterday evening at around mile 14 on the Northern Highway, near the Maxboro Area.
We spoke with Mayor Bradley today, and he told us because this accident happened only just yesterday, the extent of his inquiry was to make sure that Burke, her family, and the other passengers in the vehicle didn't receive any major injuries. On our inquiry of City Administrator's use of the vehicle for a weekend family trip, Bradley told us that both he and Burke have unlimited access to the City's vehicles assigned to them. This he says is in accordance with the Government's vehicle policy, where Bradley, who is the Mayor, is given the privilege similar to that of a Government Minister. Burke who is the City Administrator, is treated under the policy as a Chief Executive Officer, and she also enjoys that access.
So, who will pay for the damaged vehicle? Well, you'll be relieved to know that even if the investigation says that the driver at the wheel was negligent, public funds will not be used to repair it. That's because the vehicle is comprehensively insured.