And while those two murders are far from being solved, to others have been. An 18 year old has been arrested and charged with burglary in connection
with the double murder in Teakettle. It happened on Friday May 15th at the Estate of American Julian Christopher Jones. Jones hired 61 Paul David
Signorino to finish a plumbing job at his Estate on Friday but Signorino never returned home. Both Jones and Signorino were found dead in Jones' home
that Friday evening. Jones had been chopped to the head while Signorino was shot twice to the head.
18 year old Teakettle resident Shaylon Santos has been arrested and charged with burglary. Why only burglary? Well Belmopan police say they do not have
enough evidence to charge him with murder. Police believe it was a burglary turned murder and they are still investigating the case. They would not
release his photo because he is a suspect in other ongoing investigations.