Anybody who buys boledo regularly will know that it is a strange and unpredictable science, where the numbers lead a dance – and sometimes not even the
most studious rake wizards can tell where it will end.
But one savvy entrepreneur has come up with a book to track just that: the strange inner logic of boledo. It has numbers, statistics, and strategies
which he thinks will help you to win more regularly.
It's called the Boledobook, and after researching the trends since the Boledo started in the 1970's, the writers believe that they can help to predict
which numbers are most likely to play. That's all good, but today the manager of the project told us that it should be a great help to you, given that
there is a limitation known as statistical probability:
Duran Harban - Manager, Boledo Book
"Boledo book is a new comprehensive tool and system designed for the boledo lottery game. The boledo book is about showing statistics to consumers and
players of the game. We have complied over 14,000 numbers from 1970 to present, so we could give you these stats. We have stats such as, what number
played the most for today's date, we have what number played the most for today is Wednesday, in history - we could tell you the number that plays the
most for Wednesday's from 1970 to present. We could also give, say for instance - most played number in all of boledo. And those are the kind of stats
that we're going to provide to the general public of Belize."
Daniel Ortiz
"If I'm a person who purchases boledo, why would I want to acquire this book?"
Duran Harban
"Well, instead of just purchasing numbers that you just go on a win, you could actually use our stats to give you relevant information when buying
boledo. I got the idea personally from a guy who came off a bus while going out district and he actually came off the bus. So I thought to myself, what
can I do to help this guy to win the boledo more and some friends same way. And that's where the idea came about. What if I could show this person the
number that played the most from ever since boledo started and that's how the idea came about."
The book will be available in 3 months, and there is already a website for it at