Our news room learnt this evening that the Alcalde of Bill Falls Village in the Toledo District was forcibly removed by his people yesterday, and the villagers have decided that the also want the elected chairman to vacate the post as well.
Our colleagues from PGTV report that a large gathering of the village, about 450 or more called a meeting and decided that the Alcalde has overstepped the authorities of his office. We are told that within the Mayan Community, an Alcalde administers justice against alleged offenders, but he must allow for villagers to act as police within the community. We understand that the grievance that the villagers had with this former alcalde was that he was conducting his own arrests instead of using the authorized people. He was removed yesterday, and another village meeting must be done to install a new alcalde.
In relation to the Chairman, there is an allegation that he received money on behalf of the village and there is no accounting for it at this time. To remove the chairman is a bit more difficult since he was elected under the local government statutes.