The PSE results were issued two hours ago. They show grades in the four main subjects trending down slightly.
In English 73% of the students scored at the Adequate Level of Performance or better. This about the same as in 2014, when 74% scored at the Adequate Level.
In Math, approximately 37% (compared to 36% last year) of students scored a Satisfactory Level of Performance or better. But more disturbingly approximately 49% of students scored E's (49 and below) in the Inadequate Grade Range - meaning half the test takers failed to pass math.
In Social Studies, 63% of students earned a Satisfactory Level of Performance (Grade C) or better. This is up from 58% last year.
In Science, seventy-two percent (72%) of the students earned a grade C (Satisfactory Level of Performance) or better.
The list of top students shows Bernice Yorke at the top again - and we spoke to the top finisher Gabrial Hope from Bernice Yorke. He told us how he did it:..
Gabriel Hope - 13, Bernice York School
"Well, when I got the news I was actually sleeping and then my sister woke me and she told me that my mom was on the phone and she told me that I came in first and of course I was shocked. Up to know I'm still shocked."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Why are you shocked?"
Gabriel Hope - 13, Bernice York School
"Well, I know I prepared but I knew there were more competition from the other schools so I didn't know where I was going to place. Well, of course my teacher helped me a lot. She was the main provider in helping me to study for the exams. She made us go back in for extra classes later in the day and that really helped me along with my peers, so it helped me to study. It helped me to not goof around sometimes. So, my peers also helped me for exams. For the PSE, the language I'd say was the most challenging for me because for the part 2 of the PSE was personal letters and I didn't really study for that as much but I think I handled it well and I think math was my favourite subject."
The list of top finishers on the exam shows Hop at number one, Carrell Moralez of San NArciso in Corozal at #2, Sahil Hotahcnidani and Megan Williams of Belize Elmentary of number three and four, and also at #4 is Junyan He from Corozal Methodist. Brtiney Hill is 6th from Corozal Methodist, and she is tied with HENRY RODRIGUEZ from ST ANDREWS ANGlican in Cayo and Emile Torres form the Shepherd's Academy. You can find the full list later tonight at