Several 4th formers from Wesley College might not be able to graduate tomorrow. This is because the graduation requirements were changed last minute and were only disclosed to parents at a parent-teacher meeting in January. The change has to do with the grade point average. Under the revised requirement, the student must get a GPA of at least 2.0 instead of the long-standing 1.0. In a letter sent to Wesley's Chairman of the Board of Directors, it states that this sudden change is like QUOTE :"moving the goal post while a game is in its final quarter." The letter continues by saying that "the decision appears arbitrary and unconscionable" and that this new GPA requirement should be implemented the following year - when new students are entering the school system. It continues by saying "This subsequent change in the conditions required for graduation is a breach of the 1.0 GPA requirement…" Another issue that is addressed in the letter is the lack of consultation between Wesley College and the Ministry of Education to ensure that proper protocol was followed in this change. The letter ends off by saying "The implementation of this change appears unfair and irrational on outgoing 4th formers whose grades were already between a GPA range of 1.0 to 2.0…" END QUOTE. We will keep following this story.