The Newly Sworn in Senator Guerra was speaking on what became a very divisive discussion over 2 Revenue supplementary bills to the budget which was
passed today.
Our understanding of these money bills are that they are the result of Government expenditure which exceeded the budget, but which they are seeking the
approval of the House for. The Opposition seized on the opportunity to accuse the Barrow administration of wasting Petrocaribe money:
Senator Mark Lizarraga – Business Senator
"We draw attention to the instances of spending done in contradiction of the law Mr. President, which exceeded the legal threshold and timeframe for
bringing it to the national assembly. We emphasise that the law is very clear and that it is only under serious circumstances where to do otherwise
would seriously injury the public good that the minister of finance is allowed to ensure such additional expenditure without first coming to the
national assembly for permission."
Senator Anthony Sylvestre – PUP Senator
"What this appropriation supplementary bill number 2 has highlighted and it has shown is that this government, rather than working within the framework
of our constitution had contemplated. The seem to be overspending and spending and then after the fact, come to the national assembly and seek approval
and authorisation. And again the point has to be made that it's not their money, it's the people's money."
Senator Lisa Shoman – Lead PUP Senator
"Mr. President, I will not be asked to give my advice and consent or authority to 7 or 8 lines on a piece of paper which says that money should be
spent and has a little bullet at the bottom that says source of funds, proceeds of petrocaribe. I don't even know what that bullet is doing there -
except maybe to shoot we in the head because we will have to pay for this. I don't have the words to describe how angry it makes me that there are
people in this country who get up and no have enough to feed their children, have to the eat ramen, have to the eat vienna sausage. Imperilling their
health and we are wasting money and taking this chamber for a joke in asking that we approve spending that has already occurred. You want be wrong and
strong Mr. President do it, but you won't do it with me consent!"
Senator Gerardo Marconi Sosa – UDP Senator
"If the finance and audit act provides for supplementary appropriation, certainly this government cannot be charged for not bringing any to the
national assembly. Whilst I don't expect the opposition members to endorse and shake hands with us. I do expect the social partners to be fair."
Senator Godwin Hulse - Leader of Government Business
"We're back now with one on the first of July for 22.182 million dollars and if you add that together and I'm glad teachers are here, I make it
approximately 70 million. Now, the error that is being reflected is that these supplementaries are for this year - well it is not. Because not that it
was presented in March of this year, again it's for this year. The year runs from 1st of April to 31st of March of the following year. And if you look
carefully, you will see that what is proposed is a supplementary for the fiscal year 14-15. And so, if you look carefully, the two supplementaries for
this year of 70 million dollars of a total estimated expenditure of 1.011 billion dollars; my math tells me that 70 million is not 10 percent. The
finance and audit act says and I quote, "That indeed the government is required to come with supplementaries. It says authorisation by special warrant
which has not been confirmed by the enactment of supplementary appropriation act shall not at any time in the aggregate amount exceed in the aggregate
amount equivalent to 10 percent of the amount voted for the respective heads of the approve expenditure estimates for the year - or the sum of 500,000
dollars in the case of any new goods or service." So, Mr. President as you go through them; and yes, I've heard the representative, honourable senator
for the business community mention a few. I haven't had time to check them but the aggregate is not more than 10 percent of the approved estimates for
the year 2014-15, do the math."
Senator Patrick Andrews – PUP Senator
"We have a government that is recklessly borrowing and borrowing and borrowing and saddling the young people of this country with debt - with no plans
or means how to pay it back. And that's saddens me because we do not have a government that's thinking futuristic."
Adelaida Guerra voted no along with 4 others on supplementary bills 7 in favour, GOB majority. That meant that it passed the Senate.