Positive Behavioral Interventions: That was the main topic of today's education forum. It was held at the Radisson this morning and the discussion centered on setting behavioral expectations for kids and properly reinforcing them to promote positivity and social and emotional growth in children. Today the general and local mangers met a today's forum to discuss these expectations and to find ways to weave this initiative into the existing educational framework - all with the hope of enhancing the child's educational experience.
Candy Armstrong, Director - Education Support Service
"This is for general managers, local managers and others resource persons that supports the school management, in terms of implementing a positive behavior, intervention and support systems in primary schools."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Could you delve deeper into the system?"
Candy Armstrong, Director - Education Support Service
"Ok, the system is a pro-active and a preventative approach to school discipline. So it basically forms the foundation and the concepts of teachers or schools having clearer expectations for student's behavior. Those expectations are taught and then students are supported or they are targeted in the intervention for those students who are challenged meeting behavior expectations. It includes things like having a team of persons who work with the school to help them implement the system. It also looks at the teachers being able to be better classroom managers so that they are able to manage the behavior at the classroom level. it also speaks to different levels of intervention or preventative measures that the school would have, like, what are those rules and expectations for all students and what is in place for those students who have a little bit of challenge meeting those basic standards of behavior and it's a tiered system of intervention approach. What we are trying to come out in the system is not in isolation from what we were doing. It's just a building on our quality child friendly school framework for school improvement. In one of the key areas of the particular framework speaks to creating a safe, healthy and supportive learning community. Even within that framework parental participation and involvement place a big role. So within the system in addition as I have mentioned earlier, there is a team that supports this school with the implementation. Parents make up a part of that team also."
The workshop concluded today. Teachers and parents will also be engaged as this process moves along.