Last night, we showed you our interview with Fr. Noel Leslie, the Senator representing the Council of Churches, as he discussed why he voted yes for the General Revenue Supplementary Appropriation Bills approving Petrocaribe spending - when, in fact, his church does not support it. Well, that also gave us an opportunity to ask him for the Council's position on the upcoming gay pride event on San Pedro.
Hotelier Peter Lawrence is catering to what his PR team is calling the biggest gay pride event in Belize's history, starting from September 5th to the 12th. He wants LGBT tourists to come to Belize and have their vacation at his resort in which they will participate in event planned to attract that population. We've already told you what the Belize Evangelical Association of Churches had to say about that, but what about the other group, the Belize Council of Churches? We asked him about the event, and here's what he had to say:
Daniel Ortiz
"Are you prepared and able to make any comments? Have you all as members of the different churches discuss this amongst yourselves?"
Senator Noel Leslie - Representative of the Churches
"Okay, there is an awareness of that. There have been no discussion yet, because as you know this time of the year a lot of us are here, there and everywhere, but I am quite sure that will come up in time."
Daniel Ortiz
"Just as a member of the church, a leader, a senator, what's your thoughts on this particular issue? Is it something that must be rejected out rightly?"
Senator Noel Leslie - Representative of the Churches
"First if all as a Catholic, I must say that we will have to kind of like look at the whole issue. I don't want to say hey, nay right now on the whole matter. To prevent any speculation we have to meet and look at the church's position - traditional positions on all of this. We know what the scripture say and our Holy Father Pope Francis, you know, he speaks about mercy, about understanding, be respectful and so forth. But that does not mean I approved of your lifestyle and your behaviors and so forth. I mean going back to the book of Genesis, we know what he said about creation - God made them male and female."
Daniel Ortiz
"How would you answer to critics who say that being completely conservative and conventional and sticking to the hard line positions that the church has always maintain through the years, is sort of not living in the times that we are now - that it is sort of outdated to be completely intolerant?"
Senator Noel Leslie - Representative of the Churches
"Referring to your "outdated" you prefer to use that word. The message of Christ is always relevant. That will be always be true. It's a revelation to us. Now, understanding what the text say, understanding the sign of the times - those are the keyword from Vatican too. We need to understand the sign of the times, but that does not mean that you associate yourself with wrong doing and evil. The church has the obligation to be truthful at all times, to reveal truth and at times the truth hurts."
As you heard in the interview, the Council of Churches have not met to discuss and come up with a categorical position on this private sector venture.