But while the candidates should have been the biggest news, the real news was the very heated atmosphere and the numerous confrontations between rival political parties. IT was unlike anything we've ever seen and it was crowned by a confrontation between Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega and his political opponent and accuser Ramon Munchy Cervantez. It happened in Hope Creek this morning – and we got very differing accounts from both sides:
Courtney Weatherbune
"Sir on the topic of emotions and tensions leading up to this day and of course later on for the results, we have been to several polling areas and
they have been several arguments or brawls also at these different polling areas. We also understand that there was some misunderstanding, there was
was some disagreement between you and the deputy prime minister Gaspar Vega. Tell us exactly from your account what happened? And how it all started?"
Ramon "Munchie" Cervantes - PUP, Orange Walk Standard Bearer
"It wasn't an misunderstanding. I was taking a voter, she's a PUP lady and the deputy prime minister came and pushed me out of the way. I turned around
to react and one of his henchmen threw 2 punches at me and I slipped the punches, I ducked the punches and then one of my friends came and punched him
in the jaw and he landed on his rear on the pavement. Then Gaspar Vega fell in the drain on the side of the road and then ran towards the voting boot
to save himself."
Courtney Weatherbune
"What's your account?"
Hon. Gaspar Vega - Deputy Prime Minister
"If I can remember, it's a lady Ms. Amaya who is the mother and I was bringing one of the siblings and I think he was talking with another sibling of
Ms. Amaya. All I told the other sibling come, your mom is here, we the campaign. He kind of stood up stiff but that was it. Like I tell everybody, my
job is to ensure that the voters get to the polling station. Who want fight and who want rail up, make circles, that's for them business."
Courtney Weatherbune
"So, as fas as your concerned, there was no misunderstanding? No issue at all."
Hon. Gaspar Vega - Deputy Prime Minister
"He didn't push me, I didn't push him. I didn't throw any punch, he didn't throw any punch at me. He got a little stiff because all I did was told the
person was come with your mom."
Ramon "Munchie" Cervantes - PUP, Orange Walk Standard Bearer
"He pushed me and then I turned around to react. It was his henchman that threw 2 punches which I dogged."
Hon. Gaspar Vega - Deputy Prime Minister
"When the scuffle took place at that time, I was going to the poll. If you notice how far the street is from where they are voting, that was my job. So
if they pulled a gun, again I did not see, I don't know of anything."