29 Year-old Police Constable Dean Perez is in jail tonight after he was convicted of stealing a man's phone and cash.
It happened around 5:00 a.m. on October 5, 2014 in San Pedro. The complainant, Jose Hernandez, who goes by 2 other names, testified that he was at his apartment when he was awakened by a knock on his door. He said that Perez informed him that he was there to serve a commitment warrant from the court because Hernandez owed arrears for maintenance.
Hernandez said that when he opened the door a police officer in uniform entered and went into his bedroom and took his white cellular phone from off a table in his bedroom. The officer then grabbed an identification folder from his common-law wife, Esmeralda Pat, which contained $600 dollars. Both prosecution witnesses say that after Perez stole from them, he then escorted Hernandez to a police mobile, and took him to the station.
In his defence, Perez took the witness stand and denied that he committed the offence. He said that he was falsely accused as part of an attempt by a higher ranking officer to punish him in a personal vendetta.
In her ruling Chief Magistrate Smith said that although there were discrepancies they did not affect the crux of the Crown's case and she believed Hernandez. She remanded the constable until next week Monday, July 27, when she will hand him the sentence for the conviction.
Constable Perez's attorney, Leeroy Banner, has indicated that he is going to appeal.