The Eastern Division went through a dramatic reconfiguration three weeks ago – and, Police Minister John Saldivar has embarked on a working tour to
find out if the new setup is working. He started today in Eastern division north, all that area north of the Swing bridge – up to the Haulover Bridge.
Saldivar did all the ceremonial stuff such as inspecting officers – but he also went extensively behind the scenes, delving into the formation's
operations. He told us what he was looking for.
Hon. John Saldivar - Minister of National Security
"Today I'm here after one month to see how things are going, to see how we have been able to adjust to the changes both in terms of looking at the
physical infrastructure, the office space and everything that have been done. And also to look at the different strategies that are being employeed now
that we have 3 smaller formations to deal with the Belize district."
"The different commanders and the officers below them can now focus on a much smaller area and that is what we hope will produce the results that the
direct supervision is what we were looking at. So we have senior officers now at the senior superintendent level and at the ACP level, assistant
commissioner of police level that are now in charge of these new division. That is why I'm staying on top of this and you see that after a month I am
here doing a quick review because we want to make sure that we get the results we want in a short space of time. The department and those who serve
under the department need to know that they have a minister that is in tune with what they are doing, the work that they are doing and therefore this
is - again, supervision stats at the very top, so it's not just the commanders of the various precincts of the various division. The minister too much
be involved and that is what we are demonstrating here today."
The marathon working tour went from 10 am to 4:00 pm – and it included a visit to the cell block. It continues tomorrow when Saldivar tours Eastern
Division Southside.