As you may have seen on his graphic, Flowers is now a Superintendent of Police. 7News has learned that he got his letter of promotion last week – and
it is retroactive to the beginning of this year. A pretty nice come-up for the controversial GSU commander – and he told us it's because the Commander
post calls for that rank:
Supt. Mark Flowers - Commander, GSU
"The post as you know is a superintendent post. The former heads of the unit were superintendent Marco Vidal and superintendent Linden Flowers. I came
in as an inspector there; then I was subsequently promoted to ASP and now to superintendent. So it is a superintendent post, it is that I imagine the
senior command are satisfied with the performance and therefore rewarded the performance with the or justified the post with the rank making it, make
it consummate with the rank."
Jules Vasquez
"Is it though an indication that also; people say that you're friendly with the government of the day."
Supt. Mark Flowers - Commander, GSU
"And I have no apologies for that. I'm a Belizean; I have a choice to be friendly with whom I want to be friendly with."
Jules Vasquez
"Yeah but you have to be impartial in the execution of your duties."
Supt. Mark Flowers - Commander, GSU
"Who said that I wasn't impartial? I say I have a right to be friendly with whoever I want to be friendly with."
Jules Vasquez
"So you're promotion isn't because you are perhaps sympathetic to the government of the day?"
Supt. Mark Flowers - Commander, GSU
"I would have wished that was the case, perhaps I would have been the deputy commissioner or commissioner but that is not the case Jules."