On Monday we showed you the sports day that the Police held in the Jane Usher area on Sunday. We were there but we didn't see the area representative, the UDP's Anthony "Boots" Martinez. We wondered whether his absence indicates that he doesn't support the initiative - so we asked him yesterday:..
Jules Vasquez
"But I didn't see you at the sports fair on Sunday. What is you're feeling about this peace process that the police are trying to approach?"
Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez
"Well I think it's an excellent process, but having being at a sports fair, its ok, I was in independence doing a little political work for the party. But apart from that I have been more than vigilant in my area, even promoting peace within the area a part from the police but I think it's a very good initiative to work with the community. I think it's a situation that can be control. I've been speaking to people in the area, because in my view it's an internal rift behind there."
Jules Vasquez
"There are those who believe, researchers who believe that politicians benefit from gang warfare, because they have certain crews who they are faithful to who could bring in a certain number of votes for them."
Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez
"No, how can you benefit from gang warfare when that is violence sir?"
Jules Vasquez
"Gang controls a certain section of population, those are voters."
Hon. Anthony "Boots" Martinez
"Two things. I am straight forward and I think that I gave you many interviews years ago and I am saying that I have no room for lawlessness."