On July 31st four bank robbers stormed into First Caribbean Bank and made off with over fifty thousand dollars. Police arrested and charged five persons, and tonight four of them are out on bail.
Four who were charged with robbery and a fifth man who was charged with conspiracy to commit robbery along with them, were granted bail of $8,000 each today by Justice Antonette Moore. Of the 5, 4 of them have met bail. They are 33 year old Jermaine Belgrave, 22 year old Patrick Jones, 30 year old Jarett Crawford and 32 year old Erwin Castillo. Only 24 year old Emmerson Skyers has not met bail, because he owes a court fine of $205 dollars which has to be paid before he can get bail. The Crown objected to bail on the grounds that the offence has become prevalent and that there is the possibility that the offence will be repeated if they are granted bail. But after Justice Moore heard submissions from the accused men's attorneys, Leroy Banner and Bryan Neal, she offered them bail.