And while the debate on the Fortis compensation package raged back and forth for hours, one member didn't even address the economics or the politics of
the takeover. Here's how Toledo's Oscar Requena put it:..
Hon. Oscar Requena – Area Representative, Toledo West
"Toledo West has not seen a single benefit under this takeover of BEL Mr. Speaker; absolutely no benefits Mr. Speaker. And I want to make that
absolutely clear. I challenge the prime minister and his UDP government and all those who are sitting there. I challenge them here today Mr. Speaker, I
want them to point out to one single village in Toledo West that has received electrification under this government Mr. Speaker; none, none, none. Zero
under the UDP."
"Government has collected 14 million dollars in dividends Mr. Speaker, 14 million dollars in dividends. So I want him and his government to tell the
people of Toledo West; to tell the people of Toledo, to tell the people of Belize how this is benefiting the Belizean people man. At the end of the day
Mr. Speaker, no grand standing, no beating of the chest, no thumping on the chest and shouting that you are patriotic is going to solve the problems
and the misery that our are living in the rural area because they lack electricity Mr. Speaker."
Hon. Francis Fonseca – Leader of the Opposition
"So Mr. Speaker, this settlement comes at a high cost and heavy price that Belize will continue to pay well into the future; past the point where
Fortis is compensated. The reality of what we have here Mr. Speaker is a pseudo- nationalist prime minister; facing imminent defeat before the
Caribbean Court of Justice. Once again trying to beat his chest and claim victory; the emptiness of that has been fully exposed."