So, as you saw, right now the General is defending himself against COLA, and they made it clear today that they won't spare him criticisms of cozying up to the UDP government.
The President Geovannie Brackett and COLA member Rufus X both took a public swipe at him at their press conference. Here's the harsh put down they had for the BDF Commander:
Geovannie Brackett - President, COLA
"To Brigadier General David Jones who has been interjected into this political exercise in his military capacity. We respect you and your long career, but you are not the government. You are the army. Do not let yourself be used, keep your lane and as you yourself has said, let the military do its job and the politician do theirs."
Rufus X - Member COLA
"To see that the politician have convert these two people that I have come to respect so much; the Commandant and the Admiral to simple political - really moved me. It touches my heart Daniel and now two more victim."
General Jones responded, making it clear that he would prefer to stay out of the conversation between civilians discussing a divisive political issue. The problem, he says, is that civilians are meddling matters of national security which if handled poorly, could cost soldiers their lives:
General David Jones, BDF Commander
"Whenever I speak, its behalf of the Belize Defence Force and more importantly for the national interest of this country. I have personally been out there talking about this issue because the situation has escalated to a point where it was becoming close to straining relations military to military and it was coming to the point where pressure was being bared upon the BDF to disclose information happening inside the
Sarstoon and for national security interest I will not do it. I will go as far as to pass on caution to these organizations who are going into the area and can provoke a situation that can escalate into conflict and can put civilian's lives at risk. What I have been expressing is primarily for the national interest of the country. I prefer not to be getting on the media and disclosing things that our civilian leadership can articulate, but being that it interferes with military operations I believe that I am the best person to articulate the security interest that affects our soldiers on the ground. Because which one of our senior leadership can do it more better than I am since I am in the position. I work with the soldiers on a daily basis and I know the effect that it will have on the security and the lives on our soldiers, so felt it was better for me to go and articulate it and I will continue to do so if it's necessary if our soldiers' lives are put at risk I want to be there to look after their welfare."
Tune in to tomorrow's newscast, when we'll show you the BDF's position on trying to stop suspected Illegal Guatemalan fishermen from poaching in Belizean waters around the Sarstoon area.