The Senate was convened today and Labour Senator Ray Davis was right there. Now, some of us had to do a double take - because wasn't he sacked by the NUTCB? He was, but there's a wrinkle in the story - because Davis wasn't only the senator for Labour - he was also the senator for Civil Society. That's right - and it seems while Labour has had enough of him - civil society isn't complaining about senator Ray. Senator Godwin Hulse - who - in a previous life worked out the requirements for the expanded Senate gave his understanding of how it works:..
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Senator
"The senator representing the union is appointed by the Governor General on the recommendation of both the NTUCB and civil society steering committee and civil society steering committee which I know that Dennis Jones for example is one of the members and he mentioned to me and I will call his name, that in fact they had not had an opportunity to speak to Mr. Davis and to give Mr. Davis a firm hearing and so the Governor General should not act on the instructions of one party only. There are two parties of that senator."
Jules Vasquez
"As enshrined in the constitution."
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Senator
"As enshrined in the constitution."
Jules Vasquez
"So then in your opinion although NTUCB sent out a scaling press release basically saying it's scandalous for him to have been there. You believe that he was within his rights or he was exercising his duty to be here?"
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Senator
"He is. There is no question in my mind until both parties, the civil society steering committee and the NTUCB would jointly say to the Governor General that we want to ask you to remove the senator that we had nominated and replace another in his stead."
Jules Vasquez
"So then his appointment is not retracted per say?"
Hon. Godwin Hulse, Senator
"No. It cannot be from my opinion."
Today the NTUCB sent out a scathing press release against Davis saying, quote,
"Brother Ray Davis is no longer a Senator representing the National Trade Union Congress of Belize….Davis who has been duly informed via letter that he is no longer the Representative for NTUCB and Civil society at the Senate, late last night sent out an email to President Marvin Mora stating he was attending today's meeting. President Mora immediately informed him that he should not attend as the General Council of the NTUCB had through its internal democratic process removed him as he is very well aware. President Mora has since reiterated that instruction to Mr. Davis via text and even called Mr. Davis who has refused to answer his calls."
It continues, "The conduct of Mr. Davis is very much unbecoming a person who has the interest of the workers and civil society at heart and is reflective of the reason why he has failed to consult with the people he represents or listen to the people he is to represent in this position." End quote. It concludes, quote,
"The NTUCB is currently engaging the Civil Society Steering Committee, the other representative, in this matter and has held relevant meetings to get input from these social partners, who in the past were never involved in the selection nor removal of any Senator. Mr. Davis is aware of his removal knows he is not in is not in said post in his personal capacity nor to serve the interest of any other or entity and his action today is an insult and of great disrespect to unionism in this country but proof that he has intentionally worked against those who appointed him." Davis declined an interview and told us he will issue a statement.