7 News Belize

Police Do Downtown
posted (September 17, 2015)
Once every week, the Police Department's Eastern Divisions go out into the community, especially in hotspot neighborhoods, to meet with residents, and find out what they want and need from police.

It's part of the new community policing strategy to improve the relationship with those they serve, and it gives the citizens an opportunity to make suggestions on what the police could do better.

Today, we found officers of Eastern Division South touring Orange Street, Albert Street and King Street in the city's downtown area. Daniel Ortiz spoke with the second in command for the Eastern Division southside about the feedback they've been getting:

Alden Dawson, OC - Police Precinct 2
"Today we see the police from southside visits the businesses on the Orange, Albert and King Streets. Whilst on the business side we still as well interviewed citizens who we meet inside the businesses and it's the same objective, to find out about the service that the police are rendering to the business owners and the public at large and how we could better serve the public. So far it has all been positive. All the businesses that we have stop so far, they are positive about the police service and they are very much appreciate it and they want it to continue. It you would take the time out to visit one or two of them, they might just say the same thing."

Daniel Ortiz
"In terms of the businesses, have they gotten any special attention in the past few weeks or months that is out of the norm in terms of police operations or has it simply been where the police are on active and sustained patrols?"

Alden Dawson, OC - Police Precinct 2
"I think the entire southside of Belize City have seen some increase in police patrols include the businesses."

Daniel Ortiz
"Is there in your mind a correlation in the decrease in the number of burglaries and robberies to the efforts that the police are making in the area, the business section of the city?"

Alden Dawson, OC - Police Precinct 2
"We have seen significant decrease and of course there is always room for improvement and that's why we are here to see how we could even do better to further reduce the crime in this area."

The officers also visited business owners and resident of Regent Street, and other nearby areas of Downtown Belize City.

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