Consumers will have a new way to shop. Many of you use your credit card, debit card or cash to buy at a store or pay bills online but now, developers are planning to launch what is known as a Bee pay Card. It's a cash card or what the entrepreneurs call an e-wallet. You can use it anywhere to do business without the inconvenience of swiping and signing. We met with the Taiwanese team who are trying to launch this new card in Belize. Now, it hasn't been launched yet but we met them during the 1st consultation today at the Biltmore. They explained to us how this card could change your everyday life.
Simon Chang, Planning Specialist
"Beepay, personally I think it's a life changing thing. Because with one card you can use in so many places. You can integrate not only as a company identity card, a student card or you can use in convenient stores, gas stations and a lot of places."
Courtney Weatherburne
"So based on the discussions, some of the participants were saying that's its not debit or credit card. What really is it?"
Simon Chang, Planning Specialist
"It's an e-wallet. It basically act like a cash card, like a gift card, but a lot more than that. Because a gift card is simple. You just store the values in it. You cannot recharged it again and you cannot use it in so many places. BeePay card, a lot of business they can work with our company, sign a contract and they can become our partners. People who hold a BeePay card they can use it in so many places."
Courtney Weatherburne
"It caters as you say students, business people, for people across the board."
Simon Chang, Planning Specialist
"You buy the BeePay card, deposit the money and you can use it right away. That's the general idea. We want it to be simple, easy to use."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Linked to any bank; Belize Bank, Atlantic Bank, Scotia Bank or only the credit union?"
Simon Chang, Planning Specialist
"That's the thing. We cannot tell you more about the details about it. But as our system the BeePay card, that's what I am explaining to your guys - that's the general idea. That's how it works. But within the banks, it's all there."
Simon Chang, Planning Specialist
"This thing works in most of the country. This is Taiwan version of the BeePay card and so I use it every day. I buy stuff in convenient store, I use this to pay the government fees, registration fees. I use this. I use MRT, i take it to the bus stations. So I use it every day. I don't need to carry all the cash I have. I only need to have one card and solve all the problems."
From here, there will be a series of consultations with Belizean stakeholders.