And while that UDP did all it could to woo the business sector, the newly formed BPP or Belize Popular Party says they are getting good support from the productive sector. Since making a public appeal for ten thousand dollars grants last week - the party says it has raised forty four thousand dollars - and still have cheques to go and pick up. It's a quite robust uptake for a party which only had 11 candidates when it launched. Well, today the BPP presented 7 more at a press conference at the Belize Institute of Management - and here they are:...
Elizabeth Dena, BPP - Freetown
"Now it's time for stop playing games. I done even like hear people talking that how politics is a game, because my life is not a game. My children lives are not a game. When we want to play games, we sit down around our table and pull out some scrabble and snake and ladders. My life is not a game and the words are important. To the women out there, it's time to stop talking and quarrel, because we know that you all are full of frustration and it's time to do something about that frustration. It won't go anywhere unless you do something about it. Don't worry about what they are doing, because who is them? They still end up being you, because you are a part of them. You are not voting for us you know, you are voting for you. Because at the end of the day it's your money and not our money. I would never give my money to somebody to spend for me and when I want it they tell me I can't get it. Or they take my money and do what they want with it."
Jose Luis Espat, BPP - Albert
"It is enough of being treated in a way that no one should. We need to make a stand, so I come to you and I ask you give me a chance. Give you a chance. Give all of us Belize a chance."
Milton Palacio, Stann Creek West
"As a teacher it has been 8 years. 8 years has passed and nothing has been done in Stann Creek West. That's one of the biggest constituencies. If I Milton Palacio been elected to serve my people, I would try to make a difference."
Estevan Assi, Toledo west
"My humble people of Toledo West, change for a better Belize, for a better tomorrow starts today."
Raymond Rivers, Collet
"I will disclose my income, because I have been spending my money, documenting the genocide of our Belizean youths for 18 years and I know what the people of the Southside wants. My assets, I don't have any. I spent all in the hood. My liabilities is my poor people in the communities on the Southside."
Anofre Vellos, OW North
"First of all corruption is not good and that's number one we are going to fight."
Gary Matus, Queen Square
"Too much corruption is going on in this city. We have to take this prime minister out to put the party in."
Patrick Rogers, Pickstock - (Leader)
"We are looking to save this country. The country needs to be saved, but we cannot do it alone. We are making this appeal to you Belize. Over the last 20 plus days, we know we won't be able to reach all of you. Our candidates will make a valiant effort to reach out to whom all they can reach out. Because all it will take is one X on a piece of ballot paper come November 4th."
But while they gained 7 - the party lost one candidate: and he is Ion Cacho - who was running for Pickstock. He had to move over because party leader Patrick Rogers is now running for Pickstock - moving over from Collet where Raymond Rivers is now the new candidate. Rogers explains that he was supposed to be the candidate for Piskstock in the first place but last week when they had their press conference Cacho showed up with an interest in the seat, and Roger made the on the spot decision to give it to him - which he now says was a mistake:..
Patrick Rogers, Pickstock - (Leader)
"I was trying to do the right thing Belize, but immediately after the launching was over, the national executive took me aside and said why did you do that? We wanted to put our strongest candidate in the Pickstock Division against Sedi Elrington, where at least there would be a long shot at a win. Because we are of the opinion that once one of us were to deliver a win, it would shatter that myth that it can't be done and leave the doors wide open for the subsequent elections to come. But we need to make what seems impossible, possible. And we needed to have a very good challenge mount against the foreign minister, since the Prime Minister wouldn't remove him by shuffling his cabinet. Why the BPP felt that we could find someone to put against this man to ensure that he is not sitting in the house. We were trying to do well and I made an error."
Rogers says Cacho has pledged to work with him in the election.