Another family in dire need of assistance is 28 year old Kayla Stevens and her 3 young daughters. As we told you last night, Stevens' house collapsed
under the heavy rain and flooding and she pretty much lost everything. She told us that she went to ask for help from Minister Faber but that nothing
came of it. Today we asked Faber about this and he told us that he can't go to her and help her because she doesn't live in the Collet division but
that he has done what he can for her.
Jules Vasquez
"Kayla Stephens was on the news last night. She says that when she wants for help you gave her 3 boxes of cereal and some other small items; not you
personally but your office."
Patrick Faber - Area Representative, Collet
"Kayla is one of our constituencies. Kayla does not live; her house is not in Collet. Kayla's house is on Pen Road which is in Port Loyola. I was very
dismayed to see that she said I didn't come to her house. I can't go to your house if you're not in Collet. Kayla by right came by my office and
reported the damage; you heard me say that we were collecting assessments. Her application is among the others that I am about to submit. But I did not
visit Kayla; contrary to what the news is saying, her house is not in Collet."
Faber told us the confusion is due to the fact that when he campaigns he walks through Pen road – where Kayla lives - to get to the other areas.