Heavy rains inundated the whole country this weekend - and when floodwaters overtook parts of the southern highway - it exposed many vulnerable communities. One of them is Santa Cruz on the Jalacte road - where - initial reports said that an infant was lost to flood waters on the road.
LOVE FM reported that a mother was navigating the water across the road, when she stumbled and the child slipped from her grip - and perished in the rushing waters. Well, the good news is that the child didn't die, but she narrowly escaped death. Daniel Ortiz spoke to her 12 year-old sister Yesenia Ca-a today, who was acting as her mother's translator, since she doesn't speak English very well.
The first thing she clarified for us was that it was not her mother, Adelia Shol, who lost the baby. It was actually a man from Redbank Village who was trying to help her cross the stream with the child, 2 month old Suzette Adelicia Caac:
The very scary event highlights a very important issue that the residents of these southern villages face whenever there is any significant flooding. They are often cut off from the other villages and from the main highway because the waters cover the low lying bridges which connect the roads. Our news team had quite a difficulty getting into San Jose Village, where the family of this 2 month old baby lives. Seen here, it was almost impassable, and we're told by the villagers that the water had receded drastically.