Belmopan police caught a thief red handed on Tuesday. 31 year old Clifford Vernon was caught on surveillance camera stealing a wide range of tools, cables and vehicle parts from Motor Solutions' back yard. We went to Belmopan to found out how he did it and how he got caught.
Courtney Weatherburne reporting
Over $3,000 worth of items was stolen from Motor Solutions Ltd in Belmopan this week.
The thief didn't break inside the building but he stole a number of tools, car and truck batteries from the back yard.
The thief cut the wires of this back fence and came in -. Helping himself to a number of tools and car parts in the yard.
But , fortunate thing is , everything was caught on camera - In this clip you can see the thief walking gingerly away with an A/C Condenser Unit, and he is heading out again, through the fence.
In this next clip, you get a closer shot of him - he is again cautiously searching the yard for more equipment and tools to steal
According to the boss at Motor Solutions - this is not the first time this man has stolen from them. They have record of him breaking in and stealing items over 4 times in the past 10 days.
But the police were finally able to identify him and catch him on Tuesday morning.
His name is Clifford Vernon and he has been charged.
They also found the stash of stolen tools and car parts in the bushes about 25 feet away from Motor Solutions.
Maya Mopan resident Clifford Vernon was charged with 4 counts of theft and 2 counts of handling stolen goods. He was remanded until next month.