93 year old beating victim Patrick Grant was discharged from the hospital on Saturday. The senior citizen was beaten up on December 29th at his home on Fern Lane, in Belize City. While some say the hospital kind of rushed him out of the bed, tonight he is at home in his final stages of recovery. Most interestingly, even after the bloody beat down, old man Grant remained reluctant to move in with his daughter and son in law. Instead, he withdrew himself to the familiar comforts of his little house on Fern Lane. In an interview today with 7News this evening, Grant updated us on his recovery and gave us an insight into the moment the home invasion occurred.
Patrick Grant, beat down victim
"I am recovering. Feeling okay."
"Is there anything in particular that hurts most of all?"
Patrick Grant, beat down victim
"Yes, but it doesn't hurt anymore. It sad you know to see people just getting along trying to do your best, mind your own business, looks at everybody as your friend. But there are some mean guys out there."
"They said Mrs. Diaz sent us to take you to the hospital. It was strange because I wasn't feeling no way, but I said I wonder why? She would always take me to the hospital to go and get a checkup. So I said maybe it is a checkup. They said come and they put me over there and when I sat over there "boom" they hit me. Oh man, "you have many more like this to get. You be quite and still." Well I threw back. I didn't see them taking this or that or the other. My closed my eyes and I was there shocked and the first thing that came to me was to pray."
After he was beaten near the point of unconsciousness, the perpetrators robbed him of his possessions. He lost several items as a result, but what he will mostly miss, he says, is his weed eater, which he used to chop his yard even at the ripe age of 93.
"When are you going to cut your yard again?"
Patrick Grant, beat down victim
"It need cut now?"
"Are you going to cut it?"
Patrick Grant, beat down victim
"If I had a weed eater. The next thing again, I can't use one of those big ones. It has to be a small one."
Although Grant will still live at his home in Fern Lane, the family is taking precautionary measures to ensure that history does not repeat itself. Police have only arrested his neighbor Chester Noralez for the crime, but Grant insists that two others were involved.