The murder of American Journalist Anne Swaney, while she was vacationing in Belize, continues to make international headline news tonight. International Press reports say that agents from the FBI are in Belize, and they are working with Benque Police investigators.
Reports are that police inspection of this deck, where Swaney was practicing yoga, has revealed evidence that she was indeed there. Her body was found 300 yards down the river. An autopsy has revealed that she was strangled and struck to the head and neck with a blunt object.
The murder is generating the worst kind of headlines for Belize internationally and today the BTB sent out a release saying, quote,
"part of the reason this has drawn such a large audience is because these sorts of things just don't happen here. We want people to know that crime in Belize is on the decline…" And while major crime did decline in 2015, we note that 2016 saw 18 murders in the first 16 days of the year - a murder rate at three times the pace of the 2015 total