But the CODICADER games are not the only Central American games that are going to be played in Belize this year. The 10th Annual Central American Cross Country Championship is also being hosted in Belize. This event is being sponsored by CADICA, the Central American Track and Field Organization. President of the Belize Athletic Association Deon Sutherland spoke to us about this upcoming event and what it means for Belize.
7 local runners will be representing Belize. Games are will be played on the 20th of February.
The last time we visited the MCC three weeks ago, workers were just about finishing up the works on the field. A couple of weeks before, the Ministry of Youth and sports, had jumped on a quick fix project to cover a large trench that surrounded the pitch. So now that the sports council has applied that quick fix, where does that put the original plan to build bigger and more up to standard stadium lights? Today we asked the Director of the National Sports Council Ritchel Dominguez just that.