Ruperto Vicente was elected President of the FFB in March of 2012, and tonight, almost exactly 4 years later, he is on the verge of being kicked out. A meeting is underway at this hour where Vicente's executive committee has reportedly passed a no confidence vote against him.
Now, the meeting was called for by Vice President Sergio Chuc, against Vicente's wishes, and he and the General Secretary Michael Blease reportedly did try to stop it. And the reason they wanted to block it is because Chuc called to meeting for the stated reason, quote "to suspend (Vicente) as member and president of FFB." Chuc had the support of the majority of the executive committee which is three members.
Chuc's letter to Vicente says the suspension is, quote, "due to your ongoing documented history of engaging in and/or permitting improper activities in violation of FFB Statutes 2011."
Now, the other reason for the meeting is what a majority of the executive believes is the, quote "improper manner in which District Association elections have been conducted in violation of numerous rules that govern the FFB and the FIFA Code of Ethics."
This comes as the FFB is preparing for district elections and there are allegations that Vicente and his General Secretary Michael Blease are railroading the election by disallowing challenges to their district loyalist chairmen. Ludrick Sheppard in Orange Walk is one aspiring chairman who says he's being blocked out. Here's what he told CTV-3:
Ladrick Sheppard, Aspiring Chairman
"As this moment I am putting my name to run for the district chairman. At this moment, a little confused or lost. We don't know who are the delegates that are supposed to be elected? Who are supposed to elect us at this moment? That was supposed to be handed quite a while now and we haven't gotten that. That's the reason why we are confused, because we don't know who to talk to so that we can get elected."
"How much time do you all have to get that done?"
Ladrick Sheppard, Aspiring Chairman
"The funny thing is time is running on us and the deadline for adding in your name is Monday. That's the final date and if we don't get nominated by Monday, there is no way we can challenge Mr. Avila for the next upcoming election on March 13th."
"If by Monday you don't get nominated, you don't get to submit your names and then that means you can't run for the elections?"
Ladrick Sheppard, Aspiring Chairman
"Yeah, that's it right there."
As you heard, Sheppard has until Monday to get his name in. Now, with today's reported suspension of President Vicente, a lot could change in the FFB - but we are told the matter of the president's suspension now has to go to the ethics committee. The process remains fluid. Vicente's term will end in April.